Kitchen organizing is a dream job for me. Here are quick tips to Curb Kitchen Chaos. I love to cook, so creating functional and easy-to-use storage systems is a joy!
A Kitchen Case Study
Here’s an excellent example of a kitchen with ample storage but lacks organizing and storage systems. This family didn’t see the potential for re-arranging items to maximize better the drawers, cabinets, and pullout storage they had.
We first tackled the family “command center,” a corner nook that seemed to capture everything from flower vases to cereal, kids’ medicine to keys. This area had become a “dumping ground” and looked and felt very cluttered.
Challenges of an Open-Concept Kitchen
We discussed how this space could best serve the family’s needs and started by moving the items that didn’t belong out. Many kitchens are part of an open floor plan or open to a great room (this example was), so keeping things orderly is vital since food prep is no longer out of sight. Kitchens often double as office spaces, family planning hubs, and play areas. It can be frustrating to have toys and paperwork strewn everywhere. This process will usually create a bigger mess than you have. The chaos of pulling things out and not yet having room to put them away can turn people off …but hang in there!
Corral, Contain, and Decant
We transformed what remained by corralling small:
- Kids’ art supplies went into cute glass jars
- Keys went on command hooks
- Medicine went in clear bins, like this high-sided, clear, lazy Suzan
- Sun/glasses went into a small basket
- Frequently used phone numbers (for the babysitter/nanny, etc.) went into a binder in a nearby desk drawer.
- This drawer became a more practical storage space for everyday office supplies, such as pens, pencils, tape, scissors, the checkbook, and the family’s paper calendar, for quick reference. It made sense because it is part of the area that serves as a “command center.”
Efficient Kitchen Zones
If your kitchen needs a bit of order, try rethinking where you store items and creating zones for more efficient use of space. We tackled strategic zones, working our way from one end of the kitchen to the other, finishing with the fridge (no photo’s-sorry). We created specific zones for breakfast, baking, spices, kids, command center, and cooking.
Tips to Curb Kitchen Chaos
Kitchen Organizing-Before
- Often, people don’t label because they think they will remember what goes where. Still, if you have a housekeeper, nanny, babysitter, or family member who regularly uses the space, they will not know where things go unless you make it simple. Your logic might not be the same as other household members, so using labels will help everyone get on the same page. The primary person using the space should consider others’ needs. Ultimately, the space should be set up to serve those who use it most.
- Quick tip: I have several “go-to” favorite containers that work well for various needs. However, I also consider what the client likes. If storage is visible, we will look for more decorative containers that fit the client’s decor.
- Use labels and zones inside the fridge! Yes, we all tend to keep things like condiments together, but what about designating a lower shelf and container for kids’ snacks, another area for breakfast foods, and so on? Labels (as stated above) will make it easy for everyone in the house to remember where everything goes.
Kitchen Organizing-After
In summary, create a system based on zones. This kitchen took two three-hour sessions (average for a mid-large kitchen). Consider what you like or have to do most (baking but not much cooking, making lunches, etc). In the end, the kitchen will function much more smoothly. Everyone knows where things belong, thanks to labels on all the shelves and drawers. Your time in the kitchen will be so much more enjoyable and efficient!
I love how this space turned out; it’s both beautiful and functional, and it gives the kids the freedom to have fun in their space but makes it super easy to clean up when needed.
Do you have a space that serves multiple functions? If you find these spaces challenging or need help with setup, I’d love to help you! Visit my contact page, and we can schedule a time for a free”get to know your organizing needs” call.