Happy 2023! These days, when greeting people right after New Year, I find it’s not uncommon to exchange “words.” Selecting a word for the year (WOTY) has become common practice! It was a year that began with a lot of uncertainty. I had left my long-term corporate career as a textile designer, and though I was finding my way, I was still far from confident in my future. I began setting an intention for my year by selecting a word; that year, I needed clarity. By the end of the year, I had launched my business, firmly stepped away from my corporate career, and permitted myself to be with unknowing as things came into focus. The results of selecting a word was powerful, and the practice has stayed with me.
In 2022, I began the year needing HOPE. Strangely, I selected the word before things started to get crazy in our lives. I just figured that after two years of being worn down by the pandemic and grad school, I needed hope.
I needed to be in a mind state of hope.
I needed to act in hope.
I learned to live in a state of hope, to remember to be hopeful, and to take actions that lead to hopeful outcomes!
HOPE became a practice.
As I reflected on my capacity to carry hope with me, I realized that I wanted more. I wanted something more expansive, light, and inspiring. I thought about the word inspiration and realized that I was trying to get deeper to our source of inspiration and oftentimes, that is what delights us.
I want to live in Delight!

Having my 4-year-old nephew with me over the holidays was a wonderful reminder that the delight children live with (much of the time). I asked myself if I could just recapture some of that every day.
Yes, I believe I can live in delight! It’s a practice and my intention for 2023. I will spend the next year playing with, noticing, cultivating, discovering, and pursuing what is a delight.
Delight is everywhere! It’s a matter of noticing and finding gratitude for what is delightful.
Reflecting on the past DECADE of my practice of selecting a WOTY, here are some of my previous words. I love how they connect and flow into one another.
2012: SOAR
2014: PLAY
2015: CHOICE
2022: HOPE

Word Cloud Created with Thinkmap: https://www.visualthesaurus.com/
I would love to hear your thoughts on the word of the year process (WOTY). Hit reply and let me know your word (s).