Alliterations are all over the web these days. I guess with so much info being thrown at us we need to find ways to more easily remember what interest us. A lot of the blogs I follow (and many others) use alliterations on certain days of the week to highlight specific themes such as “Makeover Monday”, “Texture Tuesday”, “Wednesday Words”, “Favorites Friday” or “Silent Saturday/Sunday” to name a few.
Sure, I use them too! I love a good alliteration and I hadn’t realized it runs in my family.
February’s field trip to Florida found family fascinating and fun!
At every meal that my grandparents dine in the dining room in their community they create a short note for their server, written on their check.
Gregarious givers greet glorious “Grands” graciously grazing on grapes.
In response to the generous service given in the dining room the guest are encouraged to interact with their server and since my grandparents love to write so they make it fun by writing an alliterative note using the first name of their server to start it off. One might go something a little like this:
Sandy’s smiling soul serves sweet sensations.
I found it a ton of fun and it’s had me thinking of more creative alliterations to use in my daily life.
This lovely poem by Robert Frost uses Alliteration.
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Watch wonderful words as they wisely work wonders!
Do you write for fun using alliteration or other forms of word play? It’s fun, it’s everywhere and not just for kids so give it a try!
Related articles
- Poems for Alliteration – Shel Silverstein (