I didn’t set out as an organizer to find long-term, ongoing projects, but they seem magnetically attracted to me!
Maybe it’s my background in Project management that helps me to look at a big project and begin to break it down into the most “obvious” (to me;) steps to get started, create momentum and maintain.
I know that when I’m not emotionally invested in something, it’s a lot easier to step back and be objective about where to start and how to break something big into smaller actionable steps. So let’s talk about that…
How to choose your starting point when you’re trying to achieve a big goal.
Get Started
Let me step back in time to my former days as a carpet designer where I managed design projects for entire hotels. I didn’t work alone, I always had a team that included sales, technical and creative interior designers and architects as well as other experts.
- Ask yourself, who’s on my team? Who can I enlist to help me achieve my objectives?
- Identify your strengths in the process and theirs. Do you have a friend who’s got a great sense of fashion who can help you clear out your wardrobe? Do you know a nutrition or health coach who you can enlist the help of to get your kitchen healthy? Keep them in mind but don’t reach out to them just yet!
- What one small or big accomplishment is going to make you feel amazing? With that in mind, you will know where to start.
Get Inspired
- Look for inspiration online, in magazines and as your going about your daily life. See something you like while taking a walk? Snap a photo and begin to create a Vision Board on Pinterest or on a poster board…
- Collect ideas that will get you excited and keep you motivated when you slump.
Get Real
- Setting and maintaining goals is really all about setting yourself up for Success!
- Manage your expectations. Really ask yourself, is it realistic for me to think I can organize my entire house in a weekend? What about my garage?
- Break your goals down into realistic objectives, take it one step at a time and think about how much time and what resources you will need to Succeed!
Get a Plan
- List your objectives in order of priority.
- Think “Domino” effect. Great project management is all about thinking a few steps ahead. If you buy supplies before knowing what you need then you’ve wasted resources!
- Give yourself a timeline with some loose but realistic deadlines.
- Does that pile of paperwork in the office make you cringe? Do you dread going into the garage?
- Now’s the time to enlist help. Ask, interview, hire and schedule people to help with the bigger or more challenging phases of the project.
- Schedule the time, block out hours, days or longer on your calendar to work on each phase of the project.
Get Going
- Make a commitment to see this through to a specific point before you even consider quitting! Don’t give up before you get started, give yourself the best chance to succeed.
- Reward yourself! Sometimes the accomplishment is the reward. But for certain phases of a project, you might just need to dangle a carrot out there.
- Block off time. Get childcare, remove distractions, turn your phone off, don’t answer the door. Turn up the music and get moving!
- Give yourself the support you need. This means getting the coach, friend, organizer or other expert to be on your side. It also means not over doing it. Do what you can to make it easier.
Get Happy!
- Celebrate milestones along the way! Snap pictures to remind yourself of how great your accomplishment is! When the closet is clear and it’s easier to get dressed every day, you can’t help but start the day with a smile!
- Give yourself room for backsliding.It’s okay if it doesn’t always look or feel like it did when you just finished. Remind yourself of that happy place and recommit!
- Now that you finished your project, break down the small tasks needed to maintain by week, month or quarter.
- Make time for maintenance. Schedule it in, just like you did getting started. Commit to the routine and it won’t get overwhelming.
What Big Ideas, Goals or Plans do you have for 2017? Please share them below.
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