Let’s start by asking ourselves what are creative darlings?
Darling is synonymous for precious, adored, favorite, beloved, loved, cherished, treasured, prized, esteemed, worshipped, idolized etc. You get the picture. Sometimes people think of creative darlings as things that are too precious. We are so attached to them that we might not be objective. I like to think of them as the unnecessary “fluff” that we use to embellish and in fact those darlings can detract from the essence of what you are trying to create. The term “kill your darlings” has been attributed to a 1914 writing lecture “On Style”:
If you here require a practical rule of me, I will present you with this: ‘Whenever you feel an impulse to perpetrate a piece of exceptionally fine writing, obey it—whole-heartedly—and delete it before sending your manuscript to press. Murder your darlings.
Writer Arthur Quiller-Couch
Creative darlings can be the outcome of overthinking, overworking, exertion to try to MAKE something incredible. They can also be the outcome of decision fatigue, we get tired of editing and just leave stuff where it is, we get a little lazy and attached! It’s a scary prospect to decide to “kill” something we have created (curated, collected, envisioned) but when we get overly attached, we are not seeing what’s best for the big picture. It can be liberating to trust and believe that by letting go, something better might emerge!
Don’t get so blinded by what you’ve invested (time, $, emotions) that you lose sight of the big picture. We can get so caught up in our own thoughts & ideas that we may not realize when they are failing to pay off for us. Be willing to let go of your grip, trust the creative process, know that by severely pruning out the “dead wood” we will see the most vigorous and healthy lush new growth!

Kill your darlings in your creative process, kill your darlings when your editing your wardrobe, kill your darlings when you are looking around your home and decluttering.