I’ve been super busy lately and haven’t shared many makeovers:( But I’ll be back soon with loads of great before and afters. In the meantime, here’s a quick Monday makeover from my own Living Room with color Escalators on my bookshelves!
OCD Bookshelf Organizing: Color Escalators on my Bookshelves!
I’m sure you’ve seen this kind of thing before and I actually love to group books within color “families” but one evening last week I was laying on my sofa looking at this bookshelf thinking, I need to give this a serious update! I love color and I love order but this was just feeling way to rigid, would you agree?
I also have this other shelf in the same room with my collection of cookbooks and pottery, so I worked on both shelves together, bringing some of the books to the other shelf and some of my pottery to the taller shelf. Color is still a big part of the finished arrangement but there are no longer “escalators” of colors…running across each shelf:)
Instead, there are groups of books by color, size and subject, arranged in both vertical and horizontal manner to break up the space and create display vignettes that show off some of my pottery and other favorite objects (crystals, this vintage capiz shell globe etc).
My lawyers bookshelf still contains my cookbooks and some other books, as well as more objects and collections. I have a lot of feathers that I love and have to keep out of the way or the cats will steal them! So, my feather collection remains behind glass as well as some of the more delicate porcelain and pottery pieces.
While I was at it, organizing and re-arranging…I also took the opportunity to purge a bag full of books for donations. I love books and I still have more books not shown but I can’t bring myself to part with the many books I refer back to again and again. What do your bookshelves look like? Would you like to share them with me on social media? If so please find me on IG or FB and share your bookshelves with the hashtag #creativelyorganizedbooks!!