This is the time of year that I find myself craving the sacred space of home. How about you? Even while the weather can not make up it’s mind which seasion it wants to be, my attention begins to turn inward. I’m happy for rainy cooler weather when I can stay inside, wrapped up with a blanket and a book, knitting and a movie or cooking in my kitchen.
Lets dive into cultivate the practice of creating the sacred space of home.
Each of us needs to define what makes a place home. I invite you to explore all of your senses.
How does home feel? Cool, warm, dry, soft, cozy, clear, cluttered, bohemian, calm, energetic, loving, nurturing etc…
What does home look like? Is it colorful, minimalist, bright and sunny, eclectic, sentimental?
What are the smells of home? Fresh, like baking or cooking, do you use aromatherapy, candles, what scents do you love?
What do you hear? Children playing, birds singing, trains, pets talking, traffic, sirens, the school nearby, filled with music, stop and notice.
What do you taste? Does home mean homecooked meals and nurturing food or are you happy to have coffee and grab something elsewhere.
Each of our senses invite us to explore what makes home meaningful for us.
Through the journey of our senses we come to notice the objects, the light, the people, the smells, the memories that we create and evoke when we cultivate home as a sacred space.
When our homes are overly cluttered, overflowing with so much stimulation that we begin to feel crowded out and confused, we need to re-connect with how we want our homes to feel. I invite you to take some time before the holiday season to get clear about what defines the sacred space of home for you. Spend some time clearing out or at least packing away what no longer feels sacred. Life can become so busy and overwhelmed with obligations, we frequently turn away or ignore things that no longer serve our lives.
The popular books The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and Spark Joy by Marie Kondo have become quite popular over the last several years. I personally think it is because Marie hit on this idea of sacred space and sacred objects in our home. She invites us to hold and gather our objects to determine if they “Spark Joy”. At the root of what she is cultivating is the process of reconnecting with our life as sacred!
The things we invite into our home and our lives should express who we truly want to be but so often we settle for less.
How sad is that? Having spent so much time in our homes over the past year and a half, have you created a sacred space for yourself and family? Have you cleared out clutter and celebrated the sacred through objects that have meaning? Special mementos and objects carry energy and I certainly want to be cultivating a practice of surrounding myself with what feels sacred, meaningful, has the least impact on our planet…things that are well designed and function beautifully!
What does Creating Sacred Space of Home mean for you?
Take some time to envision and intentionally edit out and create this space for yourself and your family to nurture you in everything you do.
I’m here to support you if your feeling overwhelmed, having a hard time envisioning your home as a sacred space or just need a fresh perspective and helping hands. If so, please let me know how I can help. We all deserve to feel supported and nurtured in our homes.
You are amazing. My brother is buying a new home and we talked yesterday about what a home can provide. This is the answer. Thanks again, Heather, for your gifts.
Thank you, Mary! I’m so glad you find my posts helpful! I hope your brother’s move goes smoothly.