Welcome New Year, 2015! I love you already. Something shifted over the past few days and I’m feeling that sense of hope and excitement about new things to come. Over the past several years I’ve practiced the habit of choosing a word for the year…in 2011 it was CLARITY, 2012 I wanted to feel RADIANT, in 2013 I was ready to SOAR and this past year it’s been all about PLAY.
I’ve spent a good deal of time reflecting on the past year’s accomplishments, disappointments, opportunities and experiences and I’ve had some Choice words that have come to the forefront…and left me hanging. I’ve usually revealed what my word-of-the-year is by now but over the weekend I decided to back off from it despite the self imposed PRESSURE. I won’t run down the list of almosts but I had narrowed it down to 3 words and still they didn’t feel right!
I have learned over the past few years that whatever word I choose should really be one I’m ready and willing to explore.
Stuff comes to the surface when you set an intention, both good and bad (or not so easy). I’ve also learned to keep in mind the duplicity of words also…soaring was amazing but also painful as I was not prepared to dive into the depths of being sore!
As I let go and only reflected on the choice before me I realized that the choice itself was a lesson and a metaphor. After writing and seeking and finally resting and stepping back from this process I now see that CHOICE is my word of the year for 2015. Over the coming year I intend to pay attention to the choices that are mine to make by not giving my choices (my voice and power) away. Through intention and attention I will begin to notice the patterns of my choices. So much of our lives revolves around the choices we make. We are confronted with choices and decisions hundreds if not thousands of times a day.
By practicing my skills as a choice maker I know I will learn to manifest what I really want and how I want to feel in my life.
“Choose well. Your choice is brief, and yet endless.”
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It seems so simple and obvious yet I know we ignore choices, divert them, make wrong choices and allow others to choose for us. Nope, no more of that for me. I will spend this year better understanding my choices! There are some great books out there about Choices and one I highly recommend called the 2 choices by Carrie Jolie Dale.
“You have two choices. Just two. One can bring about huge transformations in your life when you stick with what you desire in your heart. The other will give you more of what you already have—or worse.
Sounds frickin awesome if you ask me! I can’t wait to share more insight and lessons about choice throughout the coming year.
There are still over 350 days left in the year and it’s not too late to choose well!