Oh boy am I in need of a screeching halt in the midst of all this holiday merriment and festivities! I confess that I’ve been burning the candle at both ends, not able to do much planning, goal setting, blogging, not taking my own advice so far this season. Mostly this is because my business is in a growth stage and that is so WONDERFUL!
But, when I’ve said I’m going to blog, I don’t want to let anyone down by not blogging, I want the gifts I give to be thoughtful, I want to say YES to every invitation, you get it right?
Honestly though in the midst of frenzy, last week I spent an entire day working with a coach, business mentor, public speaker, former professional organizer, lawyer and writer on planning and understanding where my business is now and where I want to be headed. Lisa Montanaro really helped put things in perspective for me and though I am feeling like the ever busy bee with no end in sight I also know I have a PLAN, I know where I am and I know where I want to go and I’ve begun to implement changes to reach that goal. Stopping right in the middle of my busy business activities was exactly what I needed to bring the JOY back into my business, so I don’t burn out, so I remember why I’m working so hard!
Have you ever experienced that feeling of shift, that leveling up (my coach calls it Upleveling) that happens when you spend time getting clear about what you want?
When you make a commitment to something, things just fall into place!
One of the most important principles that she helped me see in a different way, that I use regularly with my clients and was able to apply to my business in a new way is the Pareto Principle or the 80/20 rule…When we can let go of the “bottom” 20% of anything we create space for something new and better to move into that void. It’s just amazing to witness how this can happen so quickly.
This principle can be applied in so many ways, to our time management techniques…
- Who and how are you spending your time? Are the people and tasks you are spending time with the most valuable?
- What are you filling your space with (home/business/art studio or whatever!? Surround yourself with only the BEST!
- What are you spending your $$$ on?
There are so many ways you can apply the Pareto Principle in daily life, in goal setting, time management and more.
Today, I decided to bring life to a screeching halt for JOY.
By letting go of a few things, like perfection, disappointing others, a rigorous self imposed blog schedule…to create space for enJOYment in the season.
What do you need to let go of at this time of year so that you can have more JOY in the season?
I’m in a similar planning (clarifying) moment with my business coach. I find this happens repeatedly as one accomplishment leads to the next challenge. I’m also finding it invigorating.
My first foray into business training was from a worn, used document called, “Women Plan for Success”. The sentence that stuck with me is this, “The reason we plan is so that we know when to say NO.” This decision, made correctly, will give us time to Halt because we’re doing what we’re supposed to be doing, nothing else.
Wishing you and yours the happiest of holidays.
Loved the ideas you put in this blog, Heather. It’s helping me with figuring out what to do about the baking I love to do this time of year with my KitchenAid mixer in the shop. A whole bunch of things that were causing stress will be New Year’s presents! And that gives me time to play with gift wrapping!