Some days I STRUGGLE with ideas to write about…SO I want to hear from you! What do you want me to blog about?
Maybe I don’t have anything unique to say about Organizing topics?
Or maybe NOT, I think I’m just stuck in my own head and don’t know what I know! The way I bring ideas together is just a bit different than someone else. How I say something might resonate with you in a way that it doesn’t with someone else. The same goes for how I work with clients to organize their spaces.
Most organizers understand the principals that are fundamental to helping people find more order. How we go about it, our personality, our communication style, our learning/teaching style all contribute to what makes you click with me rather than with another organizer. I’m super grateful for those of you who “click” with my vibe and way of doing things. I am grateful for you if you follow me on social media, look at my pictures, read my blog posts, hire me, make comments or not…I’m committed to helping you be better organized, I’m committed to learning ways to help you be better organized and I’m committed to sharing those ideas with you both on my blog, in person and hopefully in other new exciting ways in the future. I want to know what you want me to write about. I’m always looking for ideas and YES I still doubt if what I have to say is special enough to share so if you think it is, Please give me a shout and let me know.
Would you like to hear more about any of the following, or something else entirely? Here are some ideas to get you started…
- Organizing trends
- Book reviews (organizing and other related topics)
- Productivity
- Time management
- Makeovers (before & after)
- Organizing specific areas (I’ve covered Cars, Kitchens, Closets, Creative Spaces and more…what else?)
- Motivational and Mindset challenges
- Goal setting (and follow through)
- Calendar’s
- Storage-containers
- Storage-custom/built in solutions
- Digital file management
- Filing Systems-Paper
- Photo organizing
- Genealogy
- Statistics and facts about how organizing can make your life better
- Closet design and organizing
I’ll keep at it I promise, but wouldn’t you love to read organizing topics you asked me to write about? Please leave me a comment and let me know what ideas and topic’s you want me to write about. I promise to find a way to work it into what I write about!
Hiya Heather,
“But I might need it someday” Would you please address that little gremlin? Thanks.
Absolutely Monique! This is a great topic!
Means of organizing , types , advantage and dis advantage of advantage and characteristics of organizing and organizing process
Yes, exactly!