Let’s talk about Power. Lately, I’ve given a lot of thought to the just how Powerful we really are capable of being. Do you think much about this?
I know I do, I mean it’s in my name! I thought it was pretty special when I became engaged to and finally married into the name Powers. What a POWERFUL last name to have! How could I not put this name to good use in my business and in my life? It wasn’t really until recently that I really started to think about PowerStudio and what a gift it is for me to get to know and get more comfortable with my own Power and how I can share this opportunity with others. It’s like a WORD of a LIFETIME (as opposed to word of the year).
Sometimes–we forget our Power…but then something magical happens.
This magic can come by way of solitude; a walk in nature, laying on a yoga mat, meditation or by way of gathering with a group of Powerful People! And we remember just how powerful we can be too.
Oh how easy it can be to forget though! Some days it seems like it takes a million affirmations and reminders to prop ourselves up. The last couple days have been like that for me. I’ve had a power crash. This can happen after something big and amazing comes along. Have you noticed this?
You experience an amazingly powerful shift and realize you are capable of anything! You are on a power HIGH! You know what you are capable of, you can visualize it, you are IN!
BUT then, the what if’s, fears, naysayers and old stories start to SCREAM in your head that you couldn’t possibly do this, no way, you will fail, not gonna happen, forget about it, just shrink back to where you belong alright already? What now?
OMG, shit, I had this plan, but it’s not gonna work, but I thought I could do this, but can I!? God, I’m so confused I don’t know what to do, I think I’ll just curl up into a ball and hide…maybe cry a little, feel sorry for myslelf, have a little or BIG pity Party? Yeah, that will make me feel better, oh crap, it’s not making me feel better I feel worse! I’ve got to stop thinking this way, I know it’s NOT TRUE!
Wait, what is that? I feel a glimmer of my power, it’s buried in there somewhere right? Maybe I can find some people to help me remember. I think I’ll just crawl out for a minute and see if I can find SOMEONE, ANYONE in my tribe to remind me.
And then you do and they do and you start to feel better, a little more powerful, a little stronger and you find the courage to come out a little further, a little further and you do something nurturing for yourself and you have a FRICKING Ephiphany! Wow, this is a moment! I realize that I have not only POWER but SUPERPOWERS (PLURAL)! I am not only good at stuff I’m FANTASTIC at some stuff, how did I forget that? Oh yeah, those fears.
Humm, what about fear? How does it affect my Power? I know it does, maybe I can just let go of those fears and my power will come back to me. Is that how it works? I’m trying, it doesn’t seem to be working, the fears are still eating away at me, scattering my energy, making me feel powerless. I just need a break from all this struggle, all this fear.
I think I’ll go for a _____(hike, yoga class, swim-you fill in the blank) so I can take a fricking BREAK from all this fear. I need some sweet relief for a minute, please Jesus, just give me some sweet relief from the fear and the feelings of powerlessness.
And there it is! Right in the middle of sweet surrender the gift of POWER is presented! Forgot about the fear, the fear didn’t have my attention. I remembered how POWERFUL I AM- I FELT IT!
Then I made a choice, I choose POWER. Guess what? When I choose power, fear recedes. It doesn’t know how to stand up to my power and I realize in that moment that all I have to do is CHOOSE my power over fear.
When I step into my power I release fear. It can not hold on any more. I choose my power! What do you choose, POWER OR FEAR? Don’t get swept away by fear…