“Living Empty means we release the things that are no longer in alignment with who we are becoming. The release itself tells us who that is. The emptiness shows us the way.”~Christine Kane
If you have been following my blog this year you may remember my word of intention for 2011 is Clarity! As I clear away some of the physical (and emotional) baggage I’ve been dragging around I’ve recently realized that I want to help people find clarity in their own lives. I will be working towards becoming a Professional Organizer, so this will be a subject you will be seeing more of here. I’m actually surprised I didn’t include de-cluttering in my Wednesday Wellness series! Living organized is living well!
My mission is to help my clients Cultivate creative solutions for a more joyful home.
Do you hang onto stuff because you think you might use it again one day, because it’s sentimental or you just can’t part with it because you love it? There is no right or wrong answer but there are those of us that have a very hard time parting with things. I am not a hoarder by any means and I also don’t consider myself a minimalist (and I certainly don’t think everyone needs to be) I fall somewhere in the middle, which I suspect is where most people fall. I think we all have areas in our homes and our lives that get cluttered and overwhelming and sometimes we need a push to get started. I think it’s a very healthy process to get rid of things that you no longer need.
Making small changes in your home can create big changes in your life!
Every Spring and Fall I go through a period of purging that usually lasts a month or two. I get rid of things that I no longer need, things that are broken, things I just don’t love anymore and things that I know someone else could use more than me. I have a rule that I picked up somewhere, whenever I get something new I have to get rid of something. For example last week I got a new pair of PJ’s but I got rid of a pair (actually like 3) that were worn out and I didn’t really use any more. I also have a rule that I rarely buy books. I’m an avid Library user so I get tons of books from them and I consider all the late fee’s I get my contribution towards the library system. If I can’t find what I want at the library I usually ask around and try to borrow it and if that doesn’t work I may end up buying it myself. I love books but my house would be filled to the roof if I owned every book I read or wanted to read.
So, what are you doing this weekend? Why not get started on that Spring cleaning if you haven’t already. Maybe start with some books and some of those winter clothes you haven’t worn once this winter. Go ahead, give yourself permission to live a little lighter and find a little more joy in your new found space!
We all need to do this! Don’t forget the kitchen pantry, freezer & refrigerator!
You certainly taught me a lot about keeping organized!